Consumer Product Testing

Consumer product testing is essential in today‘s increasingly complex world. With the rapid development of new technologies and materials, it is more important than ever to ensure that products are safe and reliable for consumers and especially for children. Federal regulations state that product manufacturers must invest in testing solutions that can guarantee the safety and quality of their products, as it is essential for protecting the health of consumers.

Many consumer products, especially those used by children under the age of 12, sold in the US must be tested for lead and other heavy metals and some other toxic compounds such as phthalates as required by the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) under the CSPIA. We are a CPSC-accredited third-party testing laboratory that specializes in consumer product testing of toy substrate materials for toy safety.

Chemserve is a consumer product analytical lab that provides the testing services required to satisfy CPSC regulations.

Chemserve can help you with CPSC toy testing!



Consumer product testing for Lead

Consumer product testing for Lead

US consumer product safety regulations state that metals and non-metal components of children’s consumer products need to be tested for lead content by a CPSC testing lab.  This includes children’s metal jewelry. Further information on lead in children’s consumer products can be found at the CDC web-site.

The product testing lab at ChemServe will analyze your children’s products for lead.  More >

children's products

Toxic metal analysis

Some children’s consumer products that are likely to be placed in the mouth may need to be tested for toxic metals such as Lead, Silver, Arsenic, Cadmium, Barium, Chromium, Selenium and Mercury using EPA-approved industry leading research methods.

ChemServe’s consumer product testing toxic metal package includes all eight heavy metals.  More >

toy testing

Consumer product phthalate testing

Phthalates are used in the production of many types of plastics to make them more soft and pliable. Children’s consumer products and child care articles containing certain phthalates are banned by the CPSC. For children’s consumer products, each distinct plastic needs a separate phthalate test.

ChemServe tests for the prohibited phthalates including the CA Prop 65 phthalates.  More >

Estimating the number of tests for each consumer product

1) Determine the number of different types of metal and non-metal parts to the product. These can include screws, plastic components, silicone, paint.  These will require a separate lead test in most cases.

2) If the children’s product is likely to be chewed or sucked then a toxic metals test may be required.

3) Each type of plastic will require a phthalate test.