
PFAS Testing Lab Service

PFAS are synthetic chemicals with water and grease resistance, widely used but now concerning due to their presence in water. Testing for PFAS is crucial to safeguard drinking water.

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PFAS are a group of human-made chemicals widely used in various industries and are known for their water and grease-resistant properties. In recent years, the presence of PFAS in water has become a major environmental concern. Their persistence and the need to safeguard drinking water supplies have increased the focus on PFAS testing.

ChemServe Lab is an environmental and PFAS testing laboratory in Milford NH that specializes in testing drinking water for various contaminants, including PFAS. Equipped with advanced technology and staffed by experienced professionals, ChemServe Lab ensures accurate and reliable results, assisting individuals, households, and businesses in maintaining the quality and safety of their drinking water.

Chemserve can help with PFAS testing!




Environmental concerns

PFAS compounds can be found in a wide range of consumer products, including nonstick cookware, cosmetics, water-resistant clothing, stain-resistant carpets, and food packaging. Various industrial processes, such as metal plating, oil recovery, and paper manufacturing, also utilize PFAS. Additionally, they are a component of firefighting foam, which can be released into the environment during emergencies.

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PFAS and human health

PFAS are known to accumulate in living organisms, posing potential health risks for both humans and wildlife. While the long-term health effects of PFAS are still largely unknown, studies have indicated that high levels of exposure can increase the risk of certain cancers, reproductive and developmental problems, and immune system disruption. PFAS can also interfere with hormone regulation, potentially contributing to obesity and metabolic syndrome. To protect both the environment and human health, it is crucial to reduce and restrict the use of these compounds.

For more detailed information on the effects of PFAS on human health, please visit the EPA website. To learn more about PFAS testing, contact ChemServe.

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Environmental Testing

Although there are thousands of related PFAS compounds, laboratory analysis typically focus on a subset of around 18 to 24 compounds. Testing can determine the type and concentration of PFAS present, with detection levels as low as 2 parts-per-trillion. Safe levels of PFAS vary between states, so it is advisable to consult your local Department of Health for specific guidance. Recognizing the concerns surrounding these persistent chemicals, the EPA is actively collaborating with academic and commercial labs to develop new methods for detecting a broader range of PFAS compounds.

Additional information about these emerging contaminants can be found on the EPA website. For a discussion on the EPA’s regulation of two common PFAS compounds, PFOA and PFOS, refer to the publication from December 2022. ChemServe, in collaboration with partner laboratories, offers PFAS testing services for drinking water and soil. Contact us for further information, including details on PFAS testing costs and specific testing requirements in Maine and Massachusetts.

Significance of PFAS Testing Lab

The New England region, including Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts, faces specific challenges concerning PFAS contamination due to its historical industrial activities and diverse water sources. Regular testing for PFAS in these areas is essential to identify potential contamination and ensure the safety of drinking water supplies. ChemServe Lab is committed to serving these regions by offering comprehensive PFAS testing solutions tailored to the specific needs and regulations of each state.

ChemServe Lab’s Offerings

ChemServe Lab is well-versed in the regulatory requirements and guidelines of the New England states. Our experienced team and our testing partners utilizes cutting-edge technologies and validated methods to conduct PFAS testing accurately and efficiently. In addition, we offer a range of environmental services, including sample collection, laboratory analysis, and detailed reporting, all aimed at providing actionable information to individuals, homeowners, businesses, and local authorities.

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In conclusion, PFAS testing is a major part of any water quality testing program. By identifying and monitoring PFAS contamination, we can effectively mitigate potential health risks and protect the environment for future generations. As a leading testing lab, ChemServe Lab is your trusted partner in this journey, offering reliable and comprehensive services tailored to your needs.

With our state-of-the-art laboratory and team of skilled professionals, we prioritize accuracy, efficiency, and customer satisfaction. As individuals, businesses, and regulatory bodies seek dependable PFAS testing services, ChemServe Lab stands out as the preferred choice. We understand the importance of delivering reliable results and providing exceptional service.

If you have any questions or concerns about PFAS testing or would like to schedule a test for your drinking water, please don’t hesitate to contact ChemServe Lab. Our friendly and knowledgeable team is here to assist you, offering guidance, expertise, and actionable results. We are committed to ensuring your safety and peace of mind.

For inquiries about PFAS testing costs and specific testing requirements in Maine and Massachusetts, reach out to ChemServe Lab today. We are dedicated to delivering the quality service you deserve.

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Established on a Foundation of Trust

In the early 1970s, ChemServe Environmental Analysts was founded as a local laboratory specializing in drinking water analysis, coinciding with the establishment of the EPA. In 1986, the laboratory shifted its focus towards catering to commercial, industrial, and municipal clients. The laboratory experienced significant growth throughout the late 1980s and early 1990s, leading to its transformation into a comprehensive environmental testing company that provides a wide range of testing services.


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Frequently Asked Question (FAQ)

What is PFAS, and why is it important to test water for it?2023-08-09T11:01:14+00:00

PFAS stands for per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, a group of human-made chemicals that are known for their persistence in the environment. It is crucial to test water for PFAS compounds because these harmful chemicals can contaminate water supplies and pose potential health risks to humans and wildlife.

How can I test my well water for PFAS contamination?2023-08-09T11:01:30+00:00

To test well water for PFAS contamination, you can reach out to a certified laboratory like ChemServe Lab that specializes in PFAS testing. They will provide you with a sampling kit and instructions on how to collect a water sample. The sample will then be analyzed in the laboratory for the presence of PFAS compounds.

What are the potential health risks associated with PFAS exposure?2023-08-09T11:57:06+00:00

Exposure to high levels of PFAS has been associated with various health risks, including an increased risk of certain cancers, reproductive and developmental problems, immune system disruption, and potential hormonal interference. The long-term health effects of PFAS exposure are still being studied.

How does PFAS enter the water supply?2023-08-09T11:02:18+00:00

PFAS can enter the water supply through various sources, including industrial discharges, firefighting foam, and the use of everyday products containing PFAS. These compounds can leach into the groundwater from landfills or other contaminated sites, leading to water supply contamination.

Is PFAS testing required by regulatory agencies?2023-08-09T11:02:28+00:00

The regulations regarding PFAS testing vary between states and countries. Some regulatory agencies require certain industries or public water suppliers to test for PFAS contamination. It is advisable to check with your local regulatory agency or Department of Health to understand specific testing requirements in your area.

What methods are used to test water for PFAS contamination?2023-08-09T11:03:00+00:00

Laboratories use advanced analytical methods, such as liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS), to test water samples for PFAS. These methods can detect and quantify various PFAS compounds in the water samples.

How long does it take to get results from PFAS water testing?2023-08-09T11:03:28+00:00

The turnaround time for PFAS water testing can vary depending on the laboratory and the number of samples being processed. Typically, results are available within a few weeks after the laboratory receives the samples.

How much does PFAS water testing cost?2023-08-09T11:03:45+00:00

The cost of PFAS water testing can vary depending on the laboratory, the number of compounds being analyzed, and any additional services required. For specific pricing details, it is best to contact ChemServe Lab directly to discuss your testing needs and obtain accurate cost information.

Can I test my municipal water supply for PFAS?2023-08-09T11:04:15+00:00

Yes, it is possible to test municipal water supplies for PFAS contamination. Public water suppliers may conduct regular testing as per regulatory requirements. However, if you have concerns about PFAS contamination in your municipal water supply, you can contact ChemServe Lab or your local health department to inquire about testing options.

Are there any specific testing requirements for different states, such as Maine and Massachusetts?2023-08-09T11:56:33+00:00

Yes, testing requirements for PFAS can vary between states. Each state may have its own regulations and guidelines regarding PFAS testing, including acceptable levels and reporting requirements. It is advisable to consult your local Department of Health or regulatory agency for specific testing requirements in your state. Bear in mind that the EPA is actively working on new PFAS regulations and methods to ensure consistency in PFAS testing across the nation.

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